Shipping Policy

Shipping Policy

Shipping Rates

We offer a variety of shipping rates to choose from, depending on your location and the size and weight of your order. Shipping rates are calculated at checkout and are based on the following factors:

  • Shipping destination: The shipping destination is the country or region where your order will be delivered.
  • Shipping weight: The shipping weight is the weight of your order, including the weight of the packaging.
  • Shipping method: The shipping method is the way that your order will be shipped.

Shipping Time

The shipping time for your order will vary depending on the shipping destination and the shipping method. Please refer to the shipping calculator at checkout for an estimate of the shipping time for your order.

Shipping Restrictions

We cannot ship to certain countries or regions. Please refer to the shipping calculator at checkout for a list of countries or regions that we cannot ship to.

Shipping Insurance

We offer shipping insurance for all orders. Shipping insurance covers your order in the event that it is lost, damaged, or stolen during shipping. Shipping insurance is optional, but we recommend that you purchase it for all orders that are of high value.

Shipping Tracking

We will provide you with a tracking number for your order once it has been shipped. You can use the tracking number to track the progress of your order.

Shipping Returns

If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return it for a refund. Please refer to our Returns Policy for more information about shipping returns.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our shipping policy, please contact us.